Monday, April 1, 2019

BAT and the End of Everything

Hey Readers!

I'm so glad you're here on my blog for the continuing adventures of Bixby Alexander Tam known to those of us who have been with him since book one as "BAT".  If you haven't had the chance to read Elana K. Arnold's series then you are in for a treat. . . and if you have read the first two stories about BAT then you've been anticipating and also dreading this particular book.  But I get ahead of myself!

 It is June and BAT is finishing 3rd grade. His parents are divorced and BAT lives with his mom, a veterinarian, and his older sister Janie with "Every-Other Weekend " spent with his father. Although he is never officially labeled as such, BAT is a child with autism doing his very best to function and fit in. One of the greatest moments in BAT's life is when his mom brings home a baby skunk kit and allows BAT to be his caretaker with the full understanding the skunk will be released back to the wild. As you can surmise from the title, Bat and the End of Everything, that time has come and BAT is not ready to let his skunk, named Thor, go.

Several classrooms in my school use BAT as a read aloud.  As the receiving school for the entire district's special needs students, it is imperative that we educate our school community about the ins and outs of students with special needs. Books such as Arnold's help everyone truly step into the shoes and experience the world through different eyes. I liken her books to Jack Gantos's Joey Pigza books that helped us understand the viewpoints and reasonings of a child with Attention Deficit Disorder. As a teacher I have taught many ADD students and Gantos's book helped me understand these children better than any article, book or doctor. Arnold's go a long way to help us understand autism.

I can also see BAT's stories being used as a ONE BOOK ONE SCHOOL choice. His story is accessible to all elementary aged students and could create great discussions and connections. I encourage you to read BAT's story and then share it with others. :-)

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